7 Chakras- the 411


all you need to know about and then some.

 Recently,there has been much talk about chakras and keeping them in balance.  What are chakras and what are they and what is their  significance?  

What are they?

  Chakras are defined as spinning energy centers (wheels)that are strategically placed throughout the body that are connected to specific organs and nerve bundles.   We have seven major chakras that are aligned along your spinal column from the base of the spine to the   crown of head.  Their main function is to ensure that energy flow is balanced to sustain an overall state of well being (mind-body-soul).  When one of them is blocked, one may experience physical or emotional dysfunction from that  particular chakras. 

What is their function?

When one chakras is blocked, it causes a disturbance in the energy flow. This manifests itself as emotional issues, indigestion, mental fog and overall feeling of lethargy and overall “not so good feeling.”   To better illustrate this, let's take a look at our circulatory system (blood flow).  Just like energy flow , blood flow delivers essential nutrients and material throughout the whole body to ensure proper maintenance and functioning.  When the blood flow is blocked such as a blood clot, the blood to that area is not being delivered properly. Not only that but it causes significant disturbance in blood flow as other organs are being affected.  Similar to this is how the energy center works.  We need vital energy to ensure that blood flow does get to the place that is needed.  Both blood flow and energy flow needs to be properly maintained and kept open in order for us to function properly.  By removing the blood clot once again your blood is able to flow to the essential areas that need it once again.  This is also true about energy flow, by clearing and balancing your chakras, you once open up the energy flow to move freely to the essential areas.    We once again have reestablished blood flow to vital organs.   This is what essentially happens when your chakras are blocked and not performing at their peak flow.  It stops the necessary energy flow needed to maintain proper flow. As we take care of our physical body through proper diet and es=xercise.  The proper maintenance of chakras needs to be addressed and maintained to ensure proper functioning of these centers.

What are the seven major chakras?

Here are the seven major chakras along the spinal column.  I will explain the main function and the effect when they are blocked

  1.  Root Chakra - Muladhara 
  • Color: Red
  • Location: base of the spine between anus and the genitals
  • Attribute: survival, physical stability,grounding, safety security
  • Blocked: weight issues, constipation, anxiety, fear, insecurity

  • Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
  • Color: Orange

    Location: lower abdomen (midway between navel and perineum)

    Attribute: creation , desire pleasure, sexuality, genitals, uterus, kidney

    Blocked: uterine, kidney, or bladder issues, stiff lower back, irritability, repressed sexuality


  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura 
  • Color: Yellow

    Location: between navel and diaphragm

    Attribute: will power, assertiveness, digestive system, pancreas

    Blocked: Digestive issues, diabetes, poor self-esteem, perfectionism, egoism




  • Heart Chakra - Anahata
  • Color: Green

    Location: middle of the chest next to physical heart

    Attribute: compassion, love, lungs, heart, arms, hands

    Blocked: asthma, heart disease, poor emotional boundaries, fear of rejection, self-sabotage


    1. Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

    Color: Baby Blue

    Location: throat

    Attribute: communication, gratitude, entire throat, thyroid,neck, shoulder

    Blocked: sore throat, frequent colds, stiff neck,fear of speaking,timidity,inconsistency


    1. Third Eye Chakra- Anja

    Color: Indigo

    Location: between the eyebrow above the eye level

    Attribute: seeing, intuition, clarity,eyes, pineal gland, face

    Blocked: headache, eye issues, inability to focus, disillusionment,manipulation

    1. Crown Chakra- Sahasrara

    Color: Violet

    Location: very top of the head

    Attribute: wisdom, information,awareness, pituitary, cerebral cortex, CNS

    Blocked: imbalance/poor coordination, frustration, alienation, apathy, inability to learn, confusion

    How can blocked chakras be cleared?

    Just like taking medication to help the physical body, there are methods and steps you can take to unblock your chakras.  The key is recognition that they are unblock and employ the correct method to unblock and revitalize the chakras.

    Techniques to help assist in unblocking and revitalizing the chakras.

    • Yoga posture; holding a certain pose promoting energy flow
    • Mantras; phase or word that is repeated
    • Chakra meditation, focusing on the major chakras and bringing awareness
    • Essential oil; creating a peaceful environment
    • Nutrition; inclusion of certain foods within your diet or exclusion will help create balance.
    • Walking in Nature; reconnecting with nature spending time outdoors and absorbing the healing energy that will keep you grounded and bring you peace
    • Breathing exercise; taking deep breaths to help identify areas that are tense and bringing vital oxygen to blocked areas to revitalize it.

    The key to properly functioning chakras is Identifying, unblocking  and aligning to keep these  energy centers flowing and moving smoothly.

    If you feel there is a persistent blockage that is not clearing or just are not comfortable and need more guidance.  You can contact me.  I offer many services that can help identify the affected chakra through mapping  and an intense chakra clearing and balancing therapy designed specifically for your needs.  

    Chakras are an important part of our overall well-being and proper understanding and maintenance will benefit you immensely as it will bring peace and balance not only to physical and emotional but overall well being.



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